
Dear Insomnia, I hate you

This is a smally.
Last night, it took soo much will power NOT to watch the Beatles movie Help. Brand new, still in its plastic covering, unwatched, right next to me. I literally had to ask my brother to hide it so I wouldn't watch it. But I just found it. Under my bed. Safe to say, I'm watching it right now.
God, I think I want to marry Ringo Starr, anyone else?

Is he not a babe? A complete and utter babe? Look at him! Seriously, take two seconds of your life right now to just stare at his adorable face. I'm in love. I would want to marry him but he's too old and would be considered a complete and utter creep if we did marry. But, oh if he was still young and even more gorgeous I would marry him in a heartbeat. Complete. Babe.


Success is ours!

WE GOT THE TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And yes, bold and capitalised is completely neccesary. My mind is officially blown. I have never seen anything like it. It completely beats 360 telling me and three friends that he loves us. Completely.
We went to Martin Place at about four thirty, quarter to five this morning and planted ourselves at the end of the line. Since we were much further up than when we were yesterday, we had hope! We settled down for three and half hours of nothing but sitting in cold and thinking of bed and got out our thermos etc.
Nothing exciting was happening, the only slightly sly thing was the people behind us secretly listening in as we read aloud to eachother from the Princess Bride - as you wish. Gotta love Westley!
We TapTapRevenged it for a bit, then just went all out and listened to music to no end. Dancing on the street keeping our bums alive, wiggling our hips, shaking our heads, it was intense.
Anyway, finally seven thirty rolled around and everyone got up to start properly lining up. There was a bit of bustling up the front but we took not notice, just thought of it as any normal person would - people literally jumping for joy.
But no! Turns out there were, not one, but two people trying to push in! Scandalous, huh? Anyways, we started chatting to this young couple in front of us (who, as it turns out, were there for the Grizz as well) and they were just as surprised as we were to find that one girl had pushed into the line. I think I will refer to her as "Green Backpack Lady". As you may have realised, she was wearing a green backpack.
There was a bit of hustle and bustly around the Green Backpack Lady but she was completely nonplussed. She didn't seem to have a care in the world that people had been lining up since friggen four in the morning for tickets! Eventually The Fuzz got included in this mini brawl. He was one mighty looking secutiry guard, handlebar moustache included! He went right up to her and said: "Look, you pushed in. Go to the back of line and leave with tickets, or stay here and leave without tickets. Whatever floats your boat." Pretty cool ay.
She didn't budge! Green Backpack Lady was feisty. Handlebar Security Guard left her to her moping in the line and went away. For about five minutes. He came back with the ticket seller, who, like any sane person, jumped up on one of the seats and gave her the full monty. "Look, Lady, people have been here since four in the morning! I'm not going to sell you tickets, I know who you are. What you're doing now is pointless."
After awhile Blue Shirt Goddess arrived and told Handlebar Security Guard she wouldn't leave Green Backpack Lady's side. I'm happy to say that after a bit of pushing and shoving, some nice offerings of frontages from a lady with a hectic haircut and a pretty dress and heated words, Green Backpack Lady left and we got out tickets.

What a mighty fight she put up though, I hardly heard her speak a word! What a fighter.


P.S Did I mention how effing fantastic Grizzly Bear were? It was like meeting Stravinsky or John Lennon or God but ten times better! God, I can't get over it...*sigh*


Our Beatles Mania

Okay, I think I have gone officially mad. Sydney Festival ( which is happening right now this very second) is the cause of all this, I promise! Grizzly Bear is playing. Tonight. And tomorrow, and the next night, and the next night! Mad? Intense? Epic? Hectic? Mais ouis, mon amis!
Alright, so, this is why I have gone mad. I got up at five thirty this morning to get $25 tickets to Grizzly Bear, but to no avail. Five people from the front and what do they say? "SORRY! GRIZZLY BEAR IS SOLD OUT!" I actually think I could've cried, BUT, me and my gorgeous 'sister' are not giving up. We're going back to Martin Place tomorrow morning but earlier. Say, four thirty? Yep, that's the plan! If that fails, we'll go back Thursday morning for more! We refuse to give up.
Anyway, not only am I hopefully going to see Grizzly Bear but I also Al Green! What a babe is he? A bit of one, yeah. Old and groovy, he still got it. He managed to get my friends moving their asses to the glorious sound of soul while he pelvic thrusted the night away. He is a Golden God! Very much like Russell...
Not only Al Green but some intense drummers from South America, hells yeah! Okay, this is it for now. Wish me luck with Grizzly Bear? Pray to the Music God that we get tickets and you will be forever in my debt!

So long, fellow music disciples xxxx


SALE! Oh no...

There was a sale on at JBHIFI today. Alas! Alack! I spent most of my summer savings :|
If I'm not much mistaken, I went absolutely apeshit and bought too many movies:
  1. Sound of Music
  2. Nick & Norahs Infinite Playlist
  3. West Side Story
  4. Mary Poppins
  5. Zoolander
  6. Juno
  7. Love Actually
  8. Detroit Rock City!
I stood in the 'E' section for waaaay to long looking for Empire Records but to no avail. What kind of store doesn't have the most amazing movie with the most intense soundtrack to it in stock? Stupid stores, thats what.
Anyhoo, whats the music like nowadays?
I lay in bed for God knows how long last night just listening to my iPod on shuffle. Brilliant thing to do if you ask me, absolutely magnificent! My friend stole my iPod for a week and put all her music on it and I absolutely adore her for it.
Smashing Pumpkins, here I come!


Brand Spanking New

Okay, I'm new at the this, to say the least. So what should I start with? Perhaps I'll go with formal...nevermind. Here goes it: HI. I have nothing to do and have been listening to weird French bands all day. Sad? Perhaps. Fun? Oh yeah. I came across one, called Pomplamoose. From what I could figure out they do mainly covers but they are ah-may-zing!
Here's one I particularly liked, so check it out?
The guy is wearing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt! Cool much? Yes, I do believe so.
Also look up: Malajube, Le Robot Sexy
Brilliant and French :)

Soo, so long for now!