
i'm good, i'm gone

So, I have a question...what happened to the good ol' days when you saw that someone had released a new CD and you immediately ran out of the house to get one? I dunno, either. Now it's all about the iTunes and buying the album from there. 
I was sitting in my room today and was just pondering lifes quizzical things (?) and I realised that I own no CDs. I mean, excluding the excessive amount of Beatles, Bob Dylan, Randy Newman, Nanci Griffith, Thelonius Monk and Bonnie Rait CDs that my absolutely spiffing mother and father have managed to gather over the years, I own no CDs. 
What has happened to the world? I want to be part of a world where a band or artist releases a new single and you don't immediately glue yourself to the computer and download the songs, but you make it an outing, and you go out and enjoy the fact that they have released a CD, an actual thing that you can buy from a proper shop with proper money, instead of credits or credit cards or iTune gift cards. 
I'm not saying that iTunes hasn't benefited us all in someway or another - because it most definately has! - but I'm just saying that there is something a whole lot more special about holding a brand new disk in your hand and sighing over its beauty and gazing over the cover art than staring at a screen while you slowly become square-eyed and try and imagine what the CD would look like in real life. 
And to all those fahb-you-luss Rockerz out there who grew up with vinyls and cassettes, oh how I envy you! Whenever my family and I are doing the odd op-shopping on a family trip or just for fun, I always end up flicking through the vinyls and wishing I was alive when they were all the rage. 
We have a couple at home, a bit of Rolf Harris, a bit of Sergei Prokofiev/Peter and the Wolf. Who else gets chills down their spines when they here the wolfs sound? Anyone? Creepy but brilliant. I was at my brothers school a couple of weeks ago, and I was in his library. He goes to the Conservatorium of Music so his library is pretty jampacked with everything. So many CDs and cassettes I could've died, and he knew where exactly everything was. Bit of a genius/mastermind to navigate his way through that, ain't he?
Ok, so just though I'd put that out there. Next time you're thinking about what you want for your birthday/Christmas/Chanukah/Valentines Day/Anniversary/Somekindofcelebrationwhereyougetapresent and your a music obsessed human bean like I am, ask for CDs! It's most definately what I plan on doing. 

P.S Has anyone heard Regina Spektors new album Far? So so so good! 'Specially her song 'The Calculation', it's pretty wonderful, as is herself. 

P.P.S I've decided to start a game. For the next couple of weeks or so I'm gonna make my post title either a quote or a song title, guess it and I'll...um...tell you a joke?

P.P.S For your amusement: Laddergoat! Look it up!


  1. haha i remember you didn't like regina spektor when i asked you last year

  2. my two fave records I own..
    Abbey Road & Let it be.
    my god. playing that in my room, tea by the side.
    nothing on earth is better?
