
not just a hat rack my friend, not just a hat rack

I've been thinking about what to write. All I can think of is how in love I am with Devendra Banhart and how Sia is bloody amazing. But then, thats all boring, so why not write about something interesting for a change, like how this new decade is going to change the way people listen to music. 
I mean, sure, all the rap and hiphop that is out there now will still be there, but I feel that the Indie/Folk/Rock genres will make their comeback.
Does anyone agree?
As will Big Bands...but only because their awesomeness rules the schools and is clearly the bees knees and the cats pajamas.
Hissy fits aside, who else agrees that most bands that begin with the letter 'S' are just as cool as Big Bands?
One day, soon I hope, I'll go all indepth as to how I truly feel about bloody rap in all its similarity and other hiphop, but I'm too tired to do so right now and I have an english assignment due too soon. Not good! And seeing as Sydney has decided to go Arctic on us and I'm freezing my butt off here, I really gotta skidaddle.

P.S "Click me! You know you want to ;) Who gives if she hasn't figured out all the bits and bobs to getting a video on her blog, just click me and you'll get it all better. Come onnnnnnn !"


  1. Desperate to hear how you truly feel about rap etc, but am vastly entertained by your excellent prose style and eccentric taste. Mind you, it's mostly over my head because the only names I recognize are Stravinsky and the Beatles, oh yeah and God



  2. oh yes, and music IS the answer, but you know that
