
whats with today, today?

Home during school, I am hurting that much. Honestly, I don't even know why. Pretty sure my shoulder is about to die from pain because the stupid muscle has decided to go ape on my and hurt like billio! But, with uke in hand and Fiona Apple's "Paper Bag" chords in front of me I should be healed in no time. 
I am craving some hard rock. Or some Kanye West. I know, I know. A couple of days ago I said rap wasn't music. It isn't really, but doesn't mean I can't like a couple of rappers, does it? If it does then I am sorry. I just don't like rappers that can't think for themselves and write only about what's popular nowadays. It pisses me off. 
I know heaps of music out there is about sex, drugs and not so much rock'n'roll but some bands have got the feeling, like The Shins. I'm rambling about nothing now. Sorry. I'll shut up. I'll got get some cranberry juice!

P.S Is anyone else in love with Carey Mulligan? I think another girl crush is coming on...

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