
wincing the night away

I'm going to take the time to describe my love for a band that has the most amazing talent for writing songs and just being plain cool. Yes, yes, that's right. I'm talking about The Shins. 
There is something about their music, something similar to home. Do you get what I'm talking about? If I've got my iPod on shuffle, and I'm just sitting there listening to random music and The Shins come on, I'm immediately calm. They are pretty much just amazing.  They bring so much more to their music than other bands. It's all incredibly subtle, but it's there. They're the jam to my scone, the Lennon to his McCartney, the, erm, cheese to my macaroni! I don't know how to explain it.
Their talent for writing songs is something to be jealous of. Listen to/read this:

'Cause when the dead moon, rises again, 
There's no time to start a protocol to hem us in. 
When the dog slide, underneath the train. 
Theres no cry no use for searching for the mutts remains. 

If you didn't know that was by The Shins, and didn't know it was their song Sea Legs, you would think it was some whacked up poetry by some mad poet. But no, it was written by none other than James Mercer. What a ledgend. Anyway, back to what I was saying before. 
They have this ability to make my mind go completely blank and I manage to forget everything that I want to forget, and they send chills down my spine, somewhat similar to the chills you get when someone scrapes their hands on your scalp *shivers*.
Was that really creepy? Sorry. 
Anyway. I don't know what I'm trying to say here. I'm trying to sound smart and spiritual and musical and intelligent at the same time but I'm failing. So I'll be quiet. Next up? My rant, (finally!) about rap. 


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