
forty three dollars

Just now right today all this morning and this afternoon was the Bondi Sizzle Community Garage Sale!
I honestly can only say that it was one fine day filled with the calming strum of four ukuleles and some homemade jazz, along with knitting in the sun and just general happiness all round.
But, not only that, but I got my camera working! Which means soo many more photos on here! It'll be colourful! I'm very, very excited.

This was only the beginning of our stuff, you should've seen the stacks and stacks of clothes and bits and bobs and plain old junk we had!

Sadly, this Twiggy wasn't for sale. But isn't she pretty?


yess, it is an alarm clock, I'll give you about two minutes to freak out over its coolness. 

Okay, so this is where the really cool stuff happens. This guy was selling boxes and boxes of old records and just some mad vintage stuff. I could've spent hours there but I had to scurry on home to our own sale, but I managed to snap a few before I left. All these brought me back to my post a couple of weeks ago about how no one ever buys vinyl any more, but seriously if I had had anymore than four bucks in my pocket I would've gone beserk. 

Damn right he's a soul man!

I took a dodgy photo of the absolute ultimate disco record, but it was just so dodgy I couldn't even look at it. Apologies? But this guy, pretty sure his name was Tim, was just really plain cool. He had on this tartan suit and some braces and a cute little bowler hat and was just chilling in his front yard with this cool group of people. Couldn't want any more in life, personally. 
But, more to the fact, new obsession: The Dodos. They're originally a two-man band but now have a vibraphone player and are, no surprise here, an American indie rock band. What I find quite interest is that the drummer, Logan Kroeber, doesn't use a bass drum but raps out rhythms on the rims of drums and also uses a tambourine that he's taped to his shoe. 
Their vibe player only plays during live performances, but from what I've discovered and uncovered they sound like a pretty mean band. I use the word mean in its positive way, like "he plays a mean guitar!", geddit? But just take a minute to listen to Horny Hippies by them. Completely astounded me. 

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