
i can sing synesthesia

I've been thinking about this for a while and I even tried it out yesterday, but I don't understand. Synesthesia is the concept of hearing different musical tones in colours instead of what notes they are. Like, G minor would be turquoise or C major could be red. But then I thought, what if I just imagine a chord and see what colour it comes as? 
Now, I searched and searched for something to describe this to me in more detail and I came across an article written by a synesthesiac who says that he "believed that everybody 'saw' life this way, and it wa rather surprising to find out that those of us who make these kinds of addociations are actally in a very small minority." 
I can relate to this completely. I see my school toilets as days of the week and if I don't go into Thursday I feel all funny for the rest of the day, and I imagine the number 2 as being a stuck up old ponce who thinks he's better than anyone just because most numbers can be divided by it. J and K and L are all really close friends and have inside jokes, and M and N are fighting over who gets O. 
Now, this is just a self-diagnosis so don't go telling everyone that I see Friday as an evil green bunny and that the number 6 isn't too self-assured. 
But some really famous musicians were synesthesiacs, like Olivier Messian, a famous French composer. He associated the music with different colours, and he believed that musical terms like "tonal" and "modal" were incredibly misleading and that music either had the colour or it didn't. He also stated that the music by composers such as Mozart, Chopin and Wagner was all extremely coloured. 
I can't think of music as colours, but everything else has some kind of name. Imagine hearing an A flat and going "oh, that was blue!" or seeing an F chord and stroking your beard and saying "hmm, seems a bit like a browny-red to me..."
It all baffles me, but I love it. I've been reading things about synesthiacs all day and I can't get enough. Apparently John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix were synesthiacs aswell, so if it turns I am one then I'll two of my favourite musicians saw what I see.


frankie, my dear, you do give a damn!

Well, I finally got around to writing this post. It's been brewing in my mind for waay too long and it's been churning up all my thought and I just can't get it out of my mind so I thought what they hey and finally got around to writing it. 
Lets get right to it shall we? No dilly-dallying for us! You've all heard of frankie magazine, haven't you? Cause if you haven't, well boy oh boy are you missing out. frankie has a way of turning confusing political/world/peace/homophobic topics into really interesting articles in which I can actually grasp the concept of and I understand and I get and agree with!
But not only this, but they have cute little titbits at the beginning to ease us into the brilliance that frankie is!
In their most recent issue, they mentioned a band (or should I say orchestra??) that I'm sure I've mentioned before, and if I haven't then I'm shocked at myself!
WIUO does covers of songs - good and bad, your choice - and makes them better. 'Sif you can't believe me, they are an orchestra of ukuleles! And you all know how I feel about those petite guitars, absolutely love 'em. Also, Bret McKenzie from Flight of the Conchords is in it? Just got cooler? Couldn't be possible, but it happened.
I'm going to let you rest now. Catch up on all the wonder that frankie is and somehow manage to remind yourself to go buy frankie and WIOU new cd right now if you aren't already getting your coat and hat and being on your way. As per usual, I leave you happy and content and listening to New Zealands Christmas Tree. Xx!


its sunday pumpkin

I am so ridiculously bored you don't even understand. I've been browsing the internet for the past half hour trying to find a good concert or something that I would want to go to but its either all sold out or at an over eighteen venue. Damn you, 1995!
So, instead of doing my English like a good school girl I'm watching Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist and still surfing the web and making cookies. Procrastination, baby!
So, whats up in the muso world? Any goss? Any music? Any anything. I can't even get excited for Grizzly Bear, I'm that bored.
Thom and Dev found a drummer! Yey! Okay, um, lets just say:
Boredome equals brainless searching for music which equals in rediscovering lost artists like Alison Krauss? Um, yeah I though so too. Let's go find Where's Fluffy, shall we?


for jettson

Pop-Tarts are amazing. This because of what they taste like and what they look like and because of the amount of different flavours there are, theres 28! To begin with there's there Frosted Flavour. Some of these include: Blueberry, Chocolate Chip, Hot Fudge Sunday, S'Mores, Cinnamon Roll and lots more. Then theres the Unfrosted and the Pop-Tarts Splits. These one are very yummy also. These are Chocolate Vanilla, Strawberry Blueberry and Maple Brown Sugar.
Some other flavours are Chocolate Graham Cracker, Vanilla, French Toast and Frosted Wild Watermelon.
My favourite is Blueberry because it is fruity and sweet at the same time, whatta mix! It is very rare to find Pop-Tarts in Australia because they simply don't have them here! But some shops are sly dogs and get them anyway which is so good because I simply love them.
I must again, thank my lovely proxy-sister Allya for telling me that the corner shop on her street sells them and for buying me my very first Pop-Tart (Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon) and being there when I tried it and fell in love with it.
Some people think that Pop-Tarts are very unhealthy and they are right but I don't care because I love them. They make me feel all nice inside and I feel badass eating them in a country where they aren't produced.
Because of aforementioned reasons, I conclude that Pop-Tarts are amazing for the reasons mentioned above and that everyone should try one! Especially Jettson J, but hopefully if I manage to gather the energy he will try one today. Yay!


somebody loves you!

Who's got two thumbs and just bought tickets to Grizzly Bear on the 25th of July? This guy does! And pretty soon we'll be adding Florence and the Machine to that and then Band of Horses. I could not be any more excited.

So, so, so, geed I'm almost h-ed. Now, the only reason these are all happening are because yours truly is turning the big one five in 13 days. Exciting, isn't it?

Thats all really. That I'm going to be lucky enough to experience the wonder that Grizzly Bear is yet again. And then some. Woo! While I go and wallow in my humble abode and dream of July you can watch Beirut's 'Elephant Gun'.


hear it here, part 1

New favourite song. Meat and Potatoes by Belle & Sebastien. I was flicking through my iPod and I came to this song. Well, all I can say is my love for B & S has been rekindled.


crater face

It has come to my realisation that there is actually good rap out there. I was all annoying and "rap is all so similar and no rap artist can think for themselves" blah blah blah, but I'm starting to think I was wrong. Well, not completely. There is still all the people out there singing about broken hearts and screwing people on the bathroom floor and getting it on with girls in bars and stuff like that, but some rappers are just plain cool and who cares what they rap about!
All my friends are really surprised when I say that I've found my new favourite song and I play it to them and it's a rap song. There is just some people out there like Jason Derulo and Ke$ha and all those kind of people whose songs seem to be so flippin' familiar. People who actually listen to that music are probably all freaking out about now and saying "What? No it's all completely different!" 
But I was listening to Blakroc, and yes they sing about coochies but I actually like their stuff. I think it's because it's mixed in with the Black Keys that it just seems to have so much more, um, oomph to it. Other people rapping are all about electronic sounds and synthesizers and things like that. Blakroc has guitar bits in and drums and bass and well, I like it. 
The Gorillaz, well, don't have much to say about them. They are just pretty much plain cool. They're music is electronic in a way, but not always. They rap and sing about things that matter. Example?
Well me, I like plastics, 
and Digital Foils could wrap up the sun
and protect the girls from the spiritual poisons
You spill at night
Like phony clothes, but I really like my...
Some kind of nature, some kind of soul 
So is there some kind of hidden message in there saying he wants to screw the girl on a bar top or is it about covering the sun and protecting girls and liking phony clothes? The latter, I think. But then again, this is just me. These are my though and what I think about rap. Lets leave it at that, shall we? 


hapay biffday!

Happy Belated Birthday Tchaikovsky! 
I love you very much and hope you enjoy being six feet under. Love Coco xoxo


forty three dollars

Just now right today all this morning and this afternoon was the Bondi Sizzle Community Garage Sale!
I honestly can only say that it was one fine day filled with the calming strum of four ukuleles and some homemade jazz, along with knitting in the sun and just general happiness all round.
But, not only that, but I got my camera working! Which means soo many more photos on here! It'll be colourful! I'm very, very excited.

This was only the beginning of our stuff, you should've seen the stacks and stacks of clothes and bits and bobs and plain old junk we had!

Sadly, this Twiggy wasn't for sale. But isn't she pretty?


yess, it is an alarm clock, I'll give you about two minutes to freak out over its coolness. 

Okay, so this is where the really cool stuff happens. This guy was selling boxes and boxes of old records and just some mad vintage stuff. I could've spent hours there but I had to scurry on home to our own sale, but I managed to snap a few before I left. All these brought me back to my post a couple of weeks ago about how no one ever buys vinyl any more, but seriously if I had had anymore than four bucks in my pocket I would've gone beserk. 

Damn right he's a soul man!

I took a dodgy photo of the absolute ultimate disco record, but it was just so dodgy I couldn't even look at it. Apologies? But this guy, pretty sure his name was Tim, was just really plain cool. He had on this tartan suit and some braces and a cute little bowler hat and was just chilling in his front yard with this cool group of people. Couldn't want any more in life, personally. 
But, more to the fact, new obsession: The Dodos. They're originally a two-man band but now have a vibraphone player and are, no surprise here, an American indie rock band. What I find quite interest is that the drummer, Logan Kroeber, doesn't use a bass drum but raps out rhythms on the rims of drums and also uses a tambourine that he's taped to his shoe. 
Their vibe player only plays during live performances, but from what I've discovered and uncovered they sound like a pretty mean band. I use the word mean in its positive way, like "he plays a mean guitar!", geddit? But just take a minute to listen to Horny Hippies by them. Completely astounded me. 



The other day my music teached took me and about thirteen other kids on an excursion. I didn't really know what was going to happen, so I just let it all roll. We ended up at the Seymour Centre in the city, and made our way into the famous Sound Lounge. I still had no idea what was going to happen.
Miss had told us that we were gonna be treated to a performance by some of the best jazz musicians in Sydney (she wasn't wrong) and that we would then have a improvisation course. She was half off.
We did see some of Sydney's, nay, Australia's best jazz artists but we didn't get the improvisation couse. Mind you, I'm not really complaining although I should start working on improvising, I'm really not that great. I just don't have the guts...
Anyway! So, the fifteen of us got to see the Sandy Evans Trio and the Phil Slater Quartet, how exciting! They were really brilliant, the skills that they have. Sandy Evans is absolutely amazing. The things she can do on that saxophone just blow my mind. Same goes for all the musicians there. We had question/answer time after their performances, and someone asked if they had had any classical teachings before they moved to jazz, and surprisingly only Sandy Evans had.
Most of them had no classical background, but Sandy had started off with classical flute and then moved to saxaphone in highschool.
Oh to be a cool jazz musician!
The Phil Slater quartet was also just as incredible and, in a way, fascinating. They were so tight and together and never swayed away from the beat. It wasn't a solid beat, and I think that was the main thing for their quartet, that a group of people can stay so together but still be improvising over a tripppyyy bass line. Phil had the most unbelievable chops ever ever ever, and that comes from a fellow trumpeter. My dad's friend was the bass player, which I reckon is pretty cool. But then again, the Jazz Community is much more tight-knit than those of indie or hip-hop, if you get my drift.
It was pretty special, going to see them. Front row seats aswell. I only wish I had the skill and the stamina and the patience to become who they are now, that would really be something now, wouldn't it?