
welcome home

I've got my old music back. Thirteen years of collected garbage on my laptop. This is like coming home after being at a boarding school for two years or eating a milk arrowroot biscuit dipped in milk and you suck all the milk out from the miniscule holes in the biscuit. This is like seeing your family laughing at something you said or did. This is like home.
Alicia Keyes, Bowling for Soup - I welcome you with open arms into my computer hardrive. Rufus Wainwright, pull up a chair by my cosy battery! You too, ZZ Top. I miss you guys.
I forgot all about so many bands. The Fugees, George, The Grates. Wowowowowowwww. Flippin' love The Fugees, I forgot how lovely they make me feel!
Have any of you heard their version of Killing Me Softly? Cause now you can. It's okay, thank me later :D


war cry

I need help. Badly. I got a tumblr. and now I'm hooked and I don't know whether I should switch. I don't know who reads this and I don't know if they like it or not but I've already got about five followers on tumblr. and I only got it today. So, help is in order.
Keep blogger or move this whole thing to tumblr.? Never ever would I give up this blog, that would be like giving up a child. So please, for my sake, help me decide.
Please please pretty pretty pretty please comment or message me or something me and tell me what. to. do!!

But for my sake...heres the link :D and a song.

Love me xx


bobbidy dah macdaddy

This guy is amazing. I want to meet him and shake his hand and kiss him on the cheek and tell him that he is the Superman of Music and that, if he wants, we should drink tea and improvise together. Don't know if you remember, but a couple of posts ago I said I was terrible at improvising? Don't go getting your hopes up, still just as terrible, but watching Bobby McFerrin and listening to him makes me want to practise and practise and improvise and improvise.

Isn't this insane? Brilliant, genius. They don't know whats hit 'em. 
But then, he goes on to talk about expectations. And the pentatonic scale. This really shows how the brain works in expecting things to happen a certain way. I don't really know how to describe it. Watch!

Don't we just love the pentatonic scale? Neuro science, here we come...err



Reow! I've come to confess something, but thought I'd butter you up a bit with this amusing video. Bit of a role reversal, dontcha think? What with the King of the Jungle being behind the tigerrrrrrrr.
Anyway, my confession is this: I like Lady GaGa.
Not all of it. Only two songs. Alejandro and Telephone. Don't ask me why. I just do. I've already been shunned enough as it is, don't judge me please! Just those songs are so much fun. Oh me, oh my.


ffffffiiiiiifffffttttteeeeennnn !

I'm fifteen and have been for 10 days! I can see M15+ movies legally now! Not that I've been seeing them illegally or anything, abide by the law I do...sometimes...
Anyway, yes, I'm fifteen :D exciting? Not really except for the fact that I'm seeing Grizzly Bear and Band of Horses, anyone else extremely jealous?
I've been trying to think what I'm going to do and all I could think of was expand my music even more and try and not fail maths. I think they're good goals.
I've been trying to get myself into the more reggae scene now, and I've got some good Toots and the Maytals and some Bob Marley. The other day I was having a bass lesson and we decided to turn up Ray Charles' What a Wonderful World and turn it reggae, more difficult than I though. I had a bit of trouble keeping on beats 1 and 3 and always ended up on 2 and 4.
But with some practice, I'll improve.
Just want to say, sorry for being such a shoddy blogger. Exams and exams and assignments and blah, this is what high school does to you. *Sigh*.
But anyway, on a sadder note, my Insane Peacemaking Omniscient Delightful music maker is full. I've crammed so much music on it I don't have space enough for more Cake and Kirsty MacColl and The Generationals. Chin up, lads, things will get better!

"i was born in the back of a beat up old car in morocco" "what kind of car?" "it was a red volvo"

I recently got asked on my formspring.me account "yo coco who is your biggest musical influence and why?" and I honestly didn't know. I thought about it and then realised I knew exactly who it is.
Beethoven, The Beatles, my family and Cake are my biggest musical influences.
Beethoven because he was just amazing. He was almost completely deaf by the time he wrote his ninth symphony and he worked unbelievably hard without question. I probably look up to him because my work ethic isn't the greatest and I am constantly distracted and I know that if I became deaf, I would be insanely upset at knowing that I would never be able to hear things again.
Not only that, but I really, really like his stuff. Cliché'd, maybe but I really do. Almost as much as Bach but not really. Again, I repeat myself: his ninth symphony is amazing yet he was deaf. I think by the time he wrote it, he didn't even need his ears anymore he could just feel the music.
But The Beatles, oh you guys! They blow my mind. Each one of their songs kind of has it's own personality and has a certain depth to it. Can I even begin to explain? No, but I'll try.
With each chord and each strum and each note, it seems I begin to think about the work that was put into these songs. All their first hits, "I Want To Hold Your Hand" etc. don't talk about sex or swearing but something so much more simpler, just love. Thom from Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist says it all. Sure, there are probably some hidden inuendos in there but lets just look past them.
All four of them have some kind of manic power where their music hits you and makes you think "Oh. Oh wow. Oh wow, oh wow."
A couple of weeks ago my dad, knowing my love for this band, gave me a book called "A Hard Days Write" which has the story behind all of the songs. You know the rumor that Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is about LSD? Wrong. Shut your gob, you know its wrong. John Lennon's son Julian came home with a drawing one day and said it was his friend Lucy and that she was in the sky with diamonds and bada bing you've got the hit that caused so much drama.
Also, I recently had to write a report on Michael Moore's 2002 Bowling For Columbine and, curious as the cat, I decided to look into the meaning of Happiness is a Warm Gun, seeing as Moore uses it in the most ironic way possible. Does it have anything to do with guns? No, Lennon just liked the saying.
The way they use their voices and orchestrate all their songs bewilders me. I want to be able to harmonise like them!
They have got to be one of the most ifluential groups, I think. I mean, who sings about little piggies? And who sings about a guy called Maxwell bludgering people? Not that many, unless their seriously disturbed or just kinda awesomely cool and no one cares if they do. Like The Beatles.
My third musical influence has got to be my household. Corny, I know, but I honestly don't care. I grew up listening to music and playing music and singing music. They know how to get my going, and at any given moment we can break into songs and harmony or put S Club 7 on and dance wildly around the kitchen.
Finally! Cake! No, not the food ya goof, the band. I love them. Enough said. They make me want to sing and write my own songs even more than SP00N. John McCrea has a voice that makes me melt. That is all.
This post took me ages to write, hence the lack of posting. I couldn't really get what I wanted to say right and all of it seemed so much the same and dull, but I'm hoping it didn't turn out that way.
Muso's for the win!!


hear it here, part 5

I might post a video of me playing this on uke, what do you think?