
can you play slow life please

They drank beer and cordial instead of water, they conversed with single people in the audience, they blew the minds of Sydney-siders for the fourth time that year and will continue to do so for as long as they are here. Their music was amazing, their performance was outstanding and their whole being just wondrous.
I didn't know what to expect, were they gonna be as good as they were last time and are they gonna make me feel all funny inside?
They did it all plus some.
After a trek and a half in the rain to get there and prays to the working gods that Allya's friend was working there (which, by the way, she was and so was her other friend but just wait!) we got to the Enmore, showed our tickets and walked into the theatre.
There was one of the two support bands playing, I can't remember what they were called - sorry, no harm meant - and we stood around and waited for Allya's bossmanfriend to turn up. Which he did. And he took us to the barrier. Separating the people who didn't get tickets that would get them to the front. And looked at a guy. And we got stamped. Just like that. Needless to say, we got in and had front and a half row standing positions. BOO-YAH!
So yeah...standing there, waiting for the second band to finish. They were actually quote good, similar to the Dirty Projectors but not as good - again, sorry, no harm meant - but still good. I can't remember their name though, I think I'm having an early onset of memory loss.
Anyway, standing and swaying and then lights go dim and everyone screams and yells and woowoos and Grizzly bear comes on and oh my gosh I think that I may faint because in that three seconds that it takes for Christopher Bear to walk across the stage I have fallen even more and more in musician love with him! He had the cutest new haircut but thats not important. (It is kind of but shh, thats for me talk to myself about...)
Grizzly Bear's music has a way of numbing the mind and making one forget anything bad that has happened. I've been told that I need to say why. Why is their music amazing? Why are they all so awesome? Why is Chris Bear's new haircut so cute? So I will simpify and expand.
Their vocal chords are amahzing and their harmonies just make me wish I could do that. Each of them is doing their own thing on stage but they are still so in tune with eachother and seem to know whats gonna happen.
At one point, they had a backstage person headbanging to "Two Weeks".
People say that musicians who just stand still while performing are boring and lack the animosity needed to perform well but in this case I must say I disagree. Daniel Rossen, who sings and plays guitar/piano, moved only a little and I couldn't seem to stop looking at him. He looked so calm and collected, occasionally smiling and sharing a joke with Chris Bear (!!!!!!).
They all work so hard and to their full extent. I'm yet to see a band who makes me feel the way they do. They make me happy.
I'm scared I'm going to repeat myself, after all it is early, so maybe I'll quit now.
In a nutshell, Grizzly Bear kicked ass.


im cyber sorry

My gawsh what a horrid blogger I have been! I can't even begin apologise enough. I don't have an excuse except that I've been busy and had nothing to write about, but pfft that's not good enough.
I still don't have anything exciting that has come to my head and I haven't had some amazing realisation of what music does to you but I can say that next week beginning Sunday is going to be so flippin' hectic!In a good way, of course.
I'm seeing Grizzly Bear (eeeeeeeeeeepppppppp!!!!!!) on Sunday, then montueswed it's my school musical and I'm playing bass so thats two nights and one day and would be three nights but Thursday I'm seeing Band of Horses (double eeeeeeeeppppppp!!!!!!).
Apology enough? I need to grovel some more? Okay fine. How do I plead?

So, anyways, whats da gosss guuurrrlllfrrraaannn? Allya, my ever lovely music supplier has introdued me to the wonderful world that is mashups. Wu Tang Clan vs The Beatles, amahz, Gorillaz vs Marvin Gaye and SHEEWW MUUSHHH MOOORREE.
But my last post, that wasn't completely shitty, was about all my music from my old computer ?!? So yeah, it is the biggest blast from my past in a while. All this crazy stuff like Alicia Keyes and Jack Johnson and things I didn't even know I listened to like the Sugababes, makes me laugh a bit. Oh, and Jamelia's Superstar. Best. Song. Ever. I have a birthday card from a while ago and my friend drew a picture of me singing along to it. Looovee it.
Anyway, this is just a catch up.
I'll be better with posting I promise. If you wan't proper good normal less sporadtic posting go to my tumblr, yeah? Coolios.
Ohh, I've missed this. It's nice to be back.


hear it here, part 8

I've been a bit of a crappy blogger lately. And I am so sorry! Blogger block, it sucks, you don't want it.
I'll get back on track soon. Love xx