

I have a new favourite band. I've been listening to them for a while now, but I never really let myself indulge in them because I didn't want to get sick of them. I've realised that when I like a song or a band and I put them on repeat and listen to them over and over for about a week or two until I absolutely can't bear the thought of them. I dislike this!
So, the band in question is The National. The Cincinnati band - which, btw, makes them even that more likeable because I absolutely adore saying 'Cincinnati' in a really bad American accent - has this glorious sound. It's kind of like a mixture between Band of Horses and The Who. 
Honestly, I don't know why it reminds me of those two bands but it just does. So, like all my favourite bands, its comprised of two sets of brothers plus one. Eep, brotherly love! Aaron and Bryce Dessner (guitar, bass and piano for Aaron and guitar for Bryce) and Scott and Bryan Devendorff (Scott bass and guitar and Bryan drums) and the plus one, my personal favourite, Mark Berninger. His voice! Melt my heart, why don't you?
But, anyway, as I was saying. I don't want to indulge myself in them because I don't want to get sick of them. I love them too much too let my ears become bored of their sound. Kinda like a hot bath, let yourself in slowly and then you can indulge. Bad analogy, I know but ssh, who cares.
So yeah, thats my latest news. I just think that they're something special and unique, like most bands, but more. They can put me too sleep but they can wake me up, they can make me calm or get me psyched. However, I don't think they make the cut for Barney Stinson's "Get Pysched Mix!". Pity.

P.S "I was afraid I'd eat your brains, because I'm evil" = greatest most creepiest lyrics ever.