
captain stupid sword and bob the dinosaur

Back from the iTunes Live ARIA Awards, Concert Sessions. The lovely father was nominated for Best Children's Album - but naturally The Wiggles won. Again. For the third time in a row. I severely dislike them. But that doesn't matter! I don't want to insult anything that anyone out there really quite enjoys, but honestly I think that The Wiggles time has come and it's time for Justine Clarke to make her way to the top. Which she has, she's the most lovely person ever and an amazing actor and singer, but I'm not advertising am I? I'm blogging! (finally...)
So yes, the iTunes Live ARIA Awards, Concert Sessions. Let's just call it the iTunes thing, yeah? There was about ten minutes of award time and an hour of live music, whelp!!
Boy & Bear opened and ooh, they were so so good! I'd never really listened to them before but in between trying to ignore the pain from my feet and trying to figure whether they were an Indie-Folk or Indie-Rock band (we decided on the folk,) I decided that not only do I really quite like them but that they sound like the Fleet Foxes - a plus, 'cause the Fleet Foxes are so in my top ten bands - and that the lead singer is quite the looker. I got a little smile from him after the set, and now I think about it I should've gone and introduced myself. Dayum.
They played for about half an hour and each song was better than the last. The four part harmonies were so completely amazing, you could see the concentration on their faces. I probably would've been transported into some crazy world where I would have the sudden urge to start writing songs again, but I was outside and amongst people and I didn't want to start mouthing words - I was already getting funny looks for my boots and bedsocks.
The awards were next and then Washington. She was so energetic and had the coolest shoes ever. Her voice is so strong, but I thought I could hear a bit of straining towards the end...she was gorgeous though. She had this cute pixie cut and wicked piano riffs and her bass players bass was the most awesome colour. Salmony orangey reddy pinky colour, gorgeous and I am so jealous I want it. He looked like my friend Jake. Kinda creeped me out, but yeah.
I miss live music so much, but I'm so hoping I'll get my live music fix soon enough. Keep reading lovelies, I haven't completely given up on this blog yet !

Rock It - Little Red

Scattered Diamonds - Hungry Kids of Hungary

Enjoyyyyyyyyyyy x