
brassed off

right now there are five trombones in my living room playing the most beautiful music. i think its an adagio, but its gorgeous. the trombone has such a warm sound and the harmonies are amazing. it makes me wish i didn't give up trumpet, kind of. but trumpet is so clangy and with me i could never get the right sound.
if you could only hear this! it's so gorgeous.

anyway thats not what i want to write about. i want to write about the influence of fans on an artist. i was playing lady gaga tap tap revenge and the it was all really different to her new stuff. this was all electronic and monotonal, not boring but it just didn't have any oomph. it really could be classified as dance music whereas her new music i feel you can listen to. lady gaga has really grown into her own being and, while she responds to her fans and in a way gives them what they want

- sorry, pause to comment on the trombones again. this is beautiful, having them right there. the sound is so invigorating and dramatic, gah i cant get over it! -

she is still really writing and singing for herself. her newer songs seem more modern but they have more of a voice and tune to them, unlike the previous ones. i'm not saying that her old stuff is bad and i hate it and its boring and unoriginal...i'm just saying that it doesn't really seem very her. mind you i'm not really bffl with her or anything idk i'm just talking nonsense.

but yeah, they're my thoughts. basically, i think that her new stuff is better than her old stuff. before i think she was writing and composing what was "in the now" and what was "hip" and, while it was her, it wasn't all of her. now she's really writing about what she believes in and all that jazz and what she really enjoys blah blah and it's getting an amazing response. i love her. i look up to her. i think she's amazing, the way that she's just ignored all the rumours and everything floating about her.

she was born this way fellas! alrighty that was a tad lame but idc. heres her latest video (not judas, i dont like that song, but born this way cause i do like that song. skip to 2:40 for the actual song part.)

i'm sure you've all seen it but again, idc. it's awsum.


Angles, The Strokes

can i just say...macchu picchu needs some kind of award. i can't even. when i listen to it i just wanna boogie down and get groovy. lord. okay so it starts of with some kind of rocket take off, yeah? so its like the take off of a brand new album (so good) and then in comes the keyboard and then JULIAN CASABLANCAS JUST BLOWING OUR MIND WITH HIS VOICE. idk the mixture of everything is so perfect, they have the most amazing beats aswell. i can't describe it without exaggerated hand movements. but seriously, their timing throughout the whole album and the guitar riffs are so outstanding.
julian describes it as 1970s rock and "music from the future" and i can't describe it any better. i played macchu picchu to my dad and he liked it and this is coming from someone who has a group called "the living hamsters" and write the most crazy and wild electrondigitialsoulfulidontevenknow music (that i love, btw, daddy) so julian got it right on.

i was going to give some crazy lowdown on every single song but i'm to tired and lazy to do that, so maybe i'll just post a video of "undercover of darkness" and just watch it with whoever wants to watch it and listen to it with every atom in my body. i cannot get over the opening guitar sequence. i've never like dissonance but in a way have. it gives me shivers and i could just listen to it over and over again.

each song in this is so different from the next. comparing macchu picchu (the first song on the album) and "life is simple in the moonlight" (the last song) there is quite a change. the futuristic aspect is till evident, but not really in the same way. when i listen to lisim i think of flying through the nebula like a badass and just flipping and somersaulting everywhere, but with macchu picchu i imagine myself dancing on the moon with vince and howard from the might boosh and julian and just sidling up to nicolai fraiture and staring at his fingers, yeah? but like thats just off the top of my head.

and then gratisfaction kinda reminds me of belle and sebastian (truthfully quite a lot of the strokes music reminds me off upbeat B&S, not sure why but it does?) and i just wanna eat cookies with fabrizio moretti and (duh) julian casablancas.

i can't actually fathom disliking a strokes song/album,but "two kinds of happiness" i don't really like. you can't hear the vocals and it's a little bit messay. everything just runs into eachother and you're not sure what to really listen to...the drums or the umming and aahing at the beginning and then idk it's just confuzziling. but apart from that it's really quite impossible to abhor anything about the strokes. even their names are quite magical. i think i give this album a 9/10. the -1 comes from "two kinds of happiness" and the album cover art. it doesn't really look like angles to me...but i'm picky that way.

OH OH OH I FORGOT TO SAY ONE THING: "you're so right" sounds crazy like a franz ferdinand song, i likey though. here's "undercover of darkness" for your pleasure:


sah hip!

guiz! i'm totally listening to flight facilities and jessie j and all those hip people. i watched mtv's top ten the other day and i liked maybe 0.5/10. idk none of them appealed to me, they were all pretty much exactly the same (electro rapping about a girl they'd like to bang with some kind of soulful whinging in the background) but one that i was sorely dissapointed with was snoop dogg! what is life! his new song "sweat" really kinda creeped me out. thats not what you should be rapping about, snoop, try again.
this is only short because i'm supposed to be studying for my english examination tomorrow (self control ON) but i would like to say that next post i will be reviewing - and loving - the strokes' new album....epaoefdjlcm!!!Okay soooo yeah review of Angles next and then probs arcade fires new album.
i love it that everyones getting excited about albums, mind you they're probably just downloading them. i want to buy acutal hard copies but that requires money which someone saving for america does not have.

poor me. okay, back to lord of the flies i go. butttttt lets leave you with mah new fave song: crave you by flight facilities feat. giselle....it's rather catchy.