
Do the Shuffle Struggle

Ahoy there, mateys! Me and my loverly friend Isabella are playing a game. Not necessarily a game, but something like that. We have both decided to make our way through our music makers/iPods/portable music players, what have you. It's on shuffle, and if you start again then you lose or you just have to, well, start again!
The rules are as follows:
1. You can only skip a song if it's at least halfway/three quarters through.
2. You can't change the song to your liking! Unless you wanna lose the game!
3. You have to listen to every song. You can't "accidentally" leave it on while playing/reading/making/watching something else. Like I did. In English today. But that was an accident.
Thats it! Oh, no, one more thing. There is no winner. Why would there be? It's not a race to see who can get through their music first, no, no, no! It's simply a little fun to see what you used to listen to, what you have on your iPi that you didn't know you had, to rediscover old tunes that you forgot about. It's purely for the nostalgia, on my part. So far, I've listened to the craziest of mixes. Something along the lines of: Randy Newman, Grace Jones, Spoon, The Mama's and The Papa's, The Cinematic Orchestra and some calming Chopin. Weird, huh? Maybe they can tell what music you like and don't like...hmm...thats a thinker.
Wanna join in on the Shuffle Struggle? Be my guest, and trust me when I say it's a struggle. I'm up to song number 123 (!!) out of 1310. Whoopee!

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