
hear it here, part 11

I have to play this for my trumpet exam. The part that immediately comes in, yeah, the fortissimo high A? Yep, that.

hear it here, part 11

i want to meet the walrus, part 2

Her Majesty. I actually have no idea what this song could be about. Just a little fun song. But I'm truly curious. So, 'Mean Mr Mustard' and 'Polythene Pam' originally had this inbetween them but when Paul heard it he didn't like it and asked for it to be edited out. When you listen to 'Her Majesty', the first chord is very strong and full and is, infact, the last chord of 'Mean Mr Mustard', and it ends so abruptly because it's real last note is tacked onto the beginning of 'Polythene Pam'.
I didn't completely comprehend all of this, when I first read it, but then I did some tinkering of my own and made a playlist on iTunes with these three songs and put 'Her Majesty' in the middle and it all worked out quite nicely.
Again, 'Her Majesty' has played some more trickery on us. Originally, 'The End' was to be the final track on the last album ever recorded by The Beatles, but the engineer who cut out 'Her Majesty' obviously didn't want it to be completely destroyed so he recycled it to the end of the tape, making 'Her Majesty' the sly last track on the Abbey Road album.
Paul has also admitted that he had a bit of a crush on Queen Elizabeth as a boy, and when he met her on the 26th of October, 1965, to receive their MBEs he was asked what her thought of her. He replied: "She's lovely. She was very friendly. She was just like a mum to us."
Oh, Pauly, U QT!


shwingers and shvingers

I think that, and I'm sure I've said this many a time before, Australia definately comes bottom when it comes to band tours. King of Leon is going all over America with the Black Keys. SP00N is going around England with The Doors and gaaaaah unfair!
But, in my despair I looked up the lineup for 2011 Big Day Out and I'm pretty sure it's going to be sah-weeet. From what I can see and from the update and leaks from various people it looks like the Gorillaz will be there, eep, as well as The National and M.I.A and Kings of Leon???????? Squeeeeee!
If this is true I am so getting a ticket no matter what. That is all for now, I felt bad for not blogging. Apologies. I don't even have any good youtube videos for you cause of friggin' school work. Tear. But I'm just gonna budge you guys again and link you to my tumblr? Yey!

P.S If you haven't noticed, Kings of Leon are my latest craze. I know they've been around for ages but only recently have I started to listen to them and I really quite like it. I can't explain it, something about their definite beat of music and the singers voice just gives me nice chilllllls down my spine. Whats more, they're all incredible babes.


i want to meet the walrus, part 1

A couple of months ago my dad, knowing my utter obsession with The Beatles, bought me their book A Hard Day's Write. It is absolutely amazing. I don't know what I orginially though the Beatles had in mind when they wrote their songs, but it sure wasn't what was actually going through their mind.
And so, because I think that a little knowledge about the meaning behind songs is always good, we're going to play a game.

No, not really I lied. Every week until I run out of Beatles songs I'm going to write what I thought a particular song was about. Underneath, the real story behind it. If you guys have any suggestions or songs you want to know or thoughts you had on why that song was written, tell me!
First song: Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. 

I always figured it was just some little song about Pauls secret childhood friend or something like that, Sgt. Pepper. Then, with four minds plus some working together they got the Lonely Hearts Club Band. Yeah?
Kind of...Paul McCartney created Sgt. Pepper and his band to give the Beatles more freedom with their music. Thats a legit reason I think.
In November of 1966, Paul had had to wear a fake moustache so as to travel in cognito while travelling in Nairobi. On the flight back, Sgt Pepper was conceived. This led Paul to believe that the Beatles would be so much more free is they opted for this group disguise. However, by the first song on the album the trickery was found. Their disguse didn't last through the reprise either, although it
succeeded in giving the impression to many people that Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was a 'concept album,'".  George Martin says that the songs have absolutely no connection at all, but that doesn't matter to most...doest it?

Next Song: Her Majesty


hear it here, part 10

New favourite shower song, hells to the yeah


hear it here, part 9

So...I've been a bit not good on the weekly music fave have I?
Well, back into action, men! Let's get crackin'!
I'll blog more tomorrow, cross your fingers I don't go to school pleassseeee


a peanut was walking down the street when he was jumped and A-SALTED

Really quite overdue, but Band of Horses! I admit, they weren't as amazing as Grizzly Bear but were still pretty darn good. The bass player played bass like a bit of a douche bag and seemed to base his appearance around Bono. I don't suggest this for future performaces, Rob Hampton, you look weird.
I didn't really know what to expect. I was quite ignorant of any knowlege about them, only things I assumed or had shamelessly Googled.
But they did put on a good show and did have a good vibe. Plus, what's more, I got a t-shirt! Yay for cheap merch!
I'm ashamed to say that I can't really remember much because it was a little while ago...seven days, to be exact. Basically, the point is they did put on a spectacular performace. They were fun to see, I would definately see them again and Joe Arnone I want to marry you.
My brother turned eighteen not three days ago (yes, yes, happy birthday best wishes blah blah) and he's having a small get together and he asked me to play bass for him. So now, with him knowing I wasn't all that knowledgeable on the 12 bar blues, he gave me a good lesson and I am fully prepared for any blues thrown my way.
I also realised I gave the wrong link to my tumblr...oops, so for the proper link click here and make yourself comfy.
I leave you with two things.
Numero 1: Should I buy a ticket to the Gorillaz ?!?!???!???!!!!????!?!??!?!?!?
Numero 2: Get That Week State of Mind, Grizzly bear vs Jay-Z.
Enjoy, lovelies.