
shwingers and shvingers

I think that, and I'm sure I've said this many a time before, Australia definately comes bottom when it comes to band tours. King of Leon is going all over America with the Black Keys. SP00N is going around England with The Doors and gaaaaah unfair!
But, in my despair I looked up the lineup for 2011 Big Day Out and I'm pretty sure it's going to be sah-weeet. From what I can see and from the update and leaks from various people it looks like the Gorillaz will be there, eep, as well as The National and M.I.A and Kings of Leon???????? Squeeeeee!
If this is true I am so getting a ticket no matter what. That is all for now, I felt bad for not blogging. Apologies. I don't even have any good youtube videos for you cause of friggin' school work. Tear. But I'm just gonna budge you guys again and link you to my tumblr? Yey!

P.S If you haven't noticed, Kings of Leon are my latest craze. I know they've been around for ages but only recently have I started to listen to them and I really quite like it. I can't explain it, something about their definite beat of music and the singers voice just gives me nice chilllllls down my spine. Whats more, they're all incredible babes.

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