
"you have bad music taste"

right now i want to sit everyone in my life down and just tell them that the things they do aren't that cool. they're not that hip and they're not fucking alt. idk its like they think that they're better than everyone out there because of one thing that they do or something they wear. more than that though its like they think they're better than me. that sounds really uptight and whatnot but idk they tell me that my music taste is crap, that my blog awful, but i wear nice clothes and i'm like okay wtf who are you to tell me that? i don't care what i wear (okay lets be honest thats a lie, i do care, but it's not my main priority) i'm proud of what i listen to, at least i listen to a variety of music not just one genre. at least i try things out instead of sticking to what everyone else does, sticking to the norm. i just wanna poke them in the eye and swirl my finger around in there and tell them to listen to themselves and to what they are saying. 
everybody these days gets to comfortable with life. they find a music genre they like, one that isn't too radical and too weird, and listen purely to that. occasionally they might wander out of their comfort zone and listen to a snippet of jazz or funk, god forbid if they enjoy it! then they're straight away back to their original music. i'm kind of aiming this post a certain group of people. 
it just really annoys me when someone won't listen to something different. it's not going to kill you, is it? it's not like listening to a short classical piece will break your back. 
i'm tired of people not stepping outside the box. if you're gonna tell me you have better music taste than me then at least listen to something other than pop/folk/rap shit. then i'm gonna reply with "how about listening to jazz or classical or funk? i'm gonna blog about this. ON MY MUSIC BLOG YOU TWAT."

i'm very aware that is an awful post, gramatically and just in general, but i had to get it out. i wrote this in about five minutes. bibi :)

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